mardi 30 septembre 2008

I love tin-toys

Here again, illustrations I did last week.

and rabbits


Illustrations I have done recently

lundi 22 septembre 2008

Crochet cats for new year 08

Crochet cats I have been doing last year. Took me a while to finish them!

Paint your own egg competition-runners up price!

Competition lauched by Cath Kidston for Easter 08. Thought that would be nice to do a little egg-box house of 6 russian egg-dolls... And the very nice set of 4 flowery mugs I won! Tea anyone?

New life, new name, new start!

Now, the time has come that my blog has to behave like a real one. I have removed all my previous posts and will start again from scratch to make it better. I had a few major changes in my life 3 weeks ago, such as getting married :), having a new name, beginning a new life, so there isn't any most appropriate moment to give my blog another go!! So here we go!